Qualcomm has emerged victorious in a lawsuit against chip design company ARM. The lawsuit originated from ARM accusing Qualcomm of violating a chip technology licensing agreement after Qualcomm acquired chip startup Nuvia. ARM alleged that Qualcomm used its technology without permission and demanded that Qualcomm destroy the chip designs obtained through the acquisition. ARM also claimed that the existing agreement should have been renegotiated after the acquisition.
Qualcomm, once one of ARM’s largest customers and a long-term partner, saw tensions rise with ARM after its 2021 acquisition of Nuvia. Nuvia’s three co-founders were core technical leaders of Apple’s A-series chip team. Qualcomm’s latest SoC, the Snapdragon 8 Elite, features its in-house Oryon CPU, developed post-Nuvia acquisition.
A jury in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware ruled that Qualcomm’s integration of ARM technology acquired from Nuvia into its chips without paying higher licensing fees did not violate the terms of the agreement. The ruling pertains to ARM-based chip products obtained by Qualcomm during its $1.4 billion acquisition of Nuvia in 2021. ARM expressed disappointment that the jury did not reach a unanimous decision on all claims and stated its intention to seek a retrial. This lawsuit underscores the deterioration of their collaboration as both companies have become competitors in the processor market
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